i do on many occasions reflect in different environments on the thoughts of passing away and eventually dying. it happens to all of us and it is not only the one unifying thing all living beings are custom to but one that keeps the rich in check for now, they too are mortal but to what degree will that change? death as a sikh is as familiar to my people as air, we have been slaughtered and tortured over our short 500 year EXISTENCE by almost everyone. it hurts to think that this FAMILIARITY means it isn’t seen as bad as other cultures make it out to be. it seems to be more a thing you have to accept rather than think about. it will happen. to avoid this feeling of emptiness i create and work for as long as i can. in hopes of leaving my mark on this small rock hurling through space, although i do think, when all matter and energy holding this universe together explodes or eventually DISINTEGRATES what will happen to anything i have done or humanity has made. makes you think how silly it is that slave owner statues only a few hundred years old even need debating to keep up, throw em in a museum if you want people to learn but then again everyone had problems. keeping them up may show a sharp reminder to a countries past that needs to be seen rather than hidden as if in shame. show it and so we know and can get over it i guess. i don’t know, i am not the reason or voice of truth on anything especially this, what i do know though is i have a deep rooted profound fear of dying that hurts me in ways that i cannot even get help for.


blue face


Dawgs (Original)